Creating a personalized Ghana for all citizens & residents

A user-friendly platform that breaks barriers and connects you to vital services you need, effortlessly - from filing taxes, accessing social welfare programs and more...

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Jobs: Your path
to a fulfilling career.

Enhance your job prospects today! Join Jobs and find the right
job for you!

Enhance your job prospects today! Join Jobs and find the right job for you!

Your gateway to economic progress

Embrace financial inclusivity with MyCredit Score

Unveiling the Power of Your Credit Score

Your credit score serves as a financial snapshot, representing your creditworthiness to lenders and potential employers.

A Personalised Approach to Credit Management

Our Credit Scoring Service empowers you to shape a brighter financial future by adding positive personal records, enhancing your credit score, and unlocking better financial opportunities. Build a stronger financial profile and transform your life today!

Your Gateway to Financial Progress

A strong credit score is not just a number; Qualify for better interest rates on loans and credit cards: A strong credit score can significantly reduce your borrowing costs, saving you money over time.


Transforming public services for a digital age.

Your one-stop shop that makes interactions with public services, a breeze.

feature 1
Direct communication from the heart of governance.

Stay informed with real-time updates and notifications directly from public institutions.

feature 2
Your digital passport to Ghana's services.

Unlocking a wide range of public services, benefits, and privileges.

feature 3
One-stop solution for public services.

Discover, access and complete transactions for all public services effortlessly.

feature 4
Your digital passport to Ghana's services.

Unlocking a wide range of public services, benefits, and privileges.

Experience secure, real-time payment convenience with the Citizen App.

The easiest and most reliable way to pay your taxes and bills, all in one place!

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